Vikas KM

Vikas KM

A geek at heart, Machine Learning and Deep Learning Enthusiast, Working on Computer Vision and Medical Imaging problems using the knowledge of DL.

Knowledge about various Machine Learning Algorithms like Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, SVMs, KNNs, Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Stacking, PCA and
Deep Learning algorithms like CNN, RNN, LSTMs, GRUs, Attention, Transformers...



Facial Expression Recognition (FER)

Implemented FER using tensorflow 2.0 and VGG-16 architecture, the frontend was implemented using opencv for live detection of FER. The source code of the project can be found at the below.
FER Source Code

Amazon Fine Food Review Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment Analysis of the Amazon Fine Food Review was done using Bag of Words and TFIDF. Data Cleaning, Feature Engineering and NLTK was used. The front of the application was done in Flask, where people can write review and get the sentiment of their review using both BoW and TFIDF
Amazon Fine Food Review Sentiment Analysis Source Code

Movie Recommender System

Content based movie recommender was implemented using the cosine similarity. The app is hosted on heroku and the frontend was implemented in Flask.
Movie Recommender System Source Code